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Junior Presentation 23-24

An absolutely cracking night as we had over 120+ people attending our junior presentation evening down at Kings Park to celebrate the year that was for our junior sides.

A big thank you to all our coaches, parents and most importantly our young juniors.

Thank you to Caesar's Italian Restaurant for their always delicious pizzas.

Thank you to Saxon Sports for supplying the trophies.

Congratulations to all the winners on the night for their individual awards.

We must give a special shout out again to the Knoxfield Knights Cricket Club for playing their part in the Under 16's premiership win.

We look forward to seeing everyone back next season. We have already decided that it will be FREE FEES for next season, so please make sure to tell your friends!

© 2018 by The Upper Ferntree Gully Cricket Club

Upper Ferntree Gully Cricket Club recognises that children are vulnerable members of our community.  The club is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and in providing a child safe and child friendly environment.  The club has zero tolerance of child abuse and is committed to having measures and initiatives in place to support children’s welfare and protection. 

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